Nadal jove i esportiu
26/12/2022 al 28/12/2022
Hora inicio: 10:00 - Hora fin: 13:30
NADAL JOVE i ESPORTIU . (Young and Sporty Christmas) Space for children with inflatable zones, simulators, trampolines, storytelling, wooden games and musical shows in Plaza Constitución.

Anton Gudzykevych and Mariia Zhurykova
11/11/2022 al 07/01/2023
Hora inicio: Без указаний - Hora fin: Без указаний
Зона: GudzGallery
Zhurykova, painting, sculpture and ceramics at the Art Gallery: Gudzgallery. Timetable: From Monday to Saturday, 11:00 - 14:00 or also with prior appointment outside the timetable. Additional information at: https://gudzgallery.com/es