
Francesc Daranas

01/09/2019 al 26/09/2019

Hora inicio: Без указаний - Hora fin: Без указаний

Зона: Isabel Bilbao Galeria

In several occasions, Daranas has described his paintings as "Frames". Sophisticated and full of descriptive elements, his works resemble frozen scenes of a cinematographic sequence.

Paintings by Rod Davis

01/09/2019 al 31/10/2019

Hora inicio: Без указаний - Hora fin: Без указаний

Galería Marque in the old town is showing paintings by local artist Rod Davis. His latest works include interpretations of the music of Miles Davis and Chet Baker. The gallery is open on most days in September, including weekends, from 10.30 until 20.30.  www.galeriamarque.com

The first buy at the Market

14/06/2019, 21/06/2019, 28/06/2019, 05/07/2019, 12/07/2019, 19/07/2019, 26/07/2019, 02/08/2019, 09/08/2019, 16/08/2019, 23/08/2019, 30/08/2019, 06/09/2019, 13/09/2019, 20/09/2019, 27/09/2019

Hora inicio: 17:00 - Hora fin: Без указаний


On Fridays of each month, the Xàbia Market presents THE FIRST BUY AT THE MARKET, an afternoon of promotions, tastings and activities to enjoy your first buy, beer or drink at the market.


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