Exhibition: "Pobladores d'art". Rural female artists from Marina Alta
23/02/2024 al 24/03/2024
Hora inicio: Без указаний - Hora fin: Без указаний
"Pobladores d'art" (“Settlers of Art”) is founded on the collective need to know and recognize the female artists in the rural environment of Marina Alta, going beyond the established canons of tourism and mass media culture, which this area of the coast suffers but which is slowly dying in the mountains. For this reason, we place a central focus on our culture, roots and the reality that are experienced by the female artists from the district.

Personaliza tu camiseta y bolsa: taller de PlayJove
Hora inicio: 17:00 - Hora fin: 20:00
Si tienes entre 12 y 18 anys y quieres lucir una camiseta y una bolsa de tela en las vacaciones de Pascua... no te puedes perder este taller.
Music gratis

Sabors de la mar (Flavors of the sea)
Hora inicio: 10:00 - Hora fin: 13:00
Welcome to these district workdays celebrated in Marina Alta in order to raise awareness about the consumption of products from our Local Fish Markets. This workday, which caters to restaurant-hotel professionals, comprises part of the set of measures developed by the project within the framework of promoting the consumption of local fish and seafood products. Organized by: Punt Nàutic, Pacte'MA Creama. Additional information and registration at tel.: 96 642 60 12 or by e-mail: puntnautic@creama.org

Sorolla en el puerto y Cala Tangó
16/03/2024, 07/04/2024
Hora inicio: 11:00 - Hora fin: Без указаний
Learn about Sorolla's visits to Xàbia through David Gutiérrez, who brings us closer to his paintings, the landscapes that inspired him, the light, the traditions and his people. In Spanish. Prior registration required by phone. 646 87 50 14

Surviving thirst: drought-resistant plants
Hora inicio: 09:30 - Hora fin: 13:30
Can you imagine surviving 8 months practically without drinking? a feat that is outside the limits of the human body, but that the plants of our ecosystems are facing, forced by the persistent drought of this last year. We propose a route along the Montgó slope that overlooks Jesús Pobre, where we will learn about the adaptations of the Mediterranean flora to the lack of the liquid element. We recommend bringing water, a hat or cap, sunscreen and footwear suitable for the mountains. Information and reservation: 679196461 / parque_montgo@gva.esOrganized by: Montgó Natural Park Interpretation Center.

Adama Collective Exhibition
28/03/2024 al 05/05/2024
Hora inicio: Без указаний - Hora fin: Без указаний
Collective exhibition with painting, photography and drawing.

Handicraft Fair in the Xàbia Historical City Centre
29/03/2024 al 01/04/2024
Hora inicio: Без указаний - Hora fin: Без указаний
The traditional Handicraft Fair will once again fill the streets of the Xàbia Historical City Centre with stalls full of typical products and items, entertainment and fun activities for children.

Mar de Jávea Festival
29/03/2024 al 30/03/2024
Hora inicio: Без указаний - Hora fin: Без указаний
I Festival Mar de Jávea con la actuación de: Beret y el grupo Taburete encabezan el programa seguidos de Maldita Nerea, Marlon, Dj Nano, Despistaos, Modestia Aparte, 84, Depol, Melocos, Mafalda Cardenal, Nano Mz, la banda local Toxic, Michenlo, Quike Av, Ardiya, Chimeno, Lomas e Iván Mg.
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