
Die Stadt bei Nacht. Geheimnisse der mittelalterlichen Xàbia

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Hora inicio: 21:00

Hora fin: 22:30


11/09/2019 /

Guided-Dramatized Route in german language. A ghost explores Xàbia recognizing the city of his ancestors; the one of the Aragón Kingdom; with fortified walls and raided by pirates. Xàbia 500 years ago. In german. Prior registration required in the Tourism Offices


Precio Adultos 8€, niñ@s 4€

A ghost explores Xàbia recognizing the city of his ancestors; the Xàbia of the Aragón Kingdom; the Xàbia with fortified walls and raided by pirates. Xàbia 500 years ago still present in its streets and palaces.  In German.

Prior registration required in the Tourism Offices.


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